March 19, 2010

Within the human body, each and every cell registers an electrical charge across the membrane’s plasma. Each cells interior carries a negative charge, respective to the exterior charge. What this electrical charge is referred to as is the transmembrane potential. While the size of the transmembrane is different from cell to cell, in cells that are excitable (chargeable), it stands at -70 millivolts.

Cancer cells are proven to contain low amounts of energy or have reduced transmembrane potential as well as a low level of cellular energy production. The transmembrane potential in these cells is at -15 millivolts, indicative of low energy levels.

The cells that have low transmembrane potential at -15 millivolts divide into two separate cells. The reasoning for this is quite simple: as the energy level drops into life-threatening levels, the existence of the cell is threatened and at risk. The cell than begins to proliferate uncontrollably in an attempt to save itself.

As the cell continues to rapidly proliferate amongst these cancerous cells, the amount of energy that is produced within the cells is even further diminished. As one could imagine, the new cells that are formed have even further reduced levels of energy than the initial cancer cells. This is due mainly because the cancer cells begin to form in an area of the body which is already low in energy levels.

Researches have found a connection between mitochondria and cancer back in the 1930’s. What was found was that in a state of cancer, the mitochondria become dysfunctional. From research done at the University of Alberta, cancer growth can be hindered by facilitating the production of energy within the mitochondria.

Early theories stated that once mitochondria are cancer ridden, they are permanently damaged and not treatable. Also, they believed that the mitochondria’s inability to properly produce energy was due to cancer; they didn’t identify the mitochondria’s damage as being a cause for cancer growth.

Current research is now showing that when damaged mitochondria are restored, there is a reduction in tumor growth. This finding points to dysfunctional mitochondria being a direct causal factor in the growth of cancer. These conclusions have been confirmed in both test tubes and animal studies.

How scalar energy is able to diminish this condition is to raise the potential energy production of the cell, also know was the transmembrane potential. As a matter of fact, scalar energy is able to successfully raise the energy to its optimum level of -70 millivolts. With this raise in the energy level, the cancerous cells no longer feel threatened, and consequently, no longer proliferate uncontrollably in an attempt to ensure their survival. In turn, thismay arrest the proliferation of cancer ridden cells.

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How to Stay Young with the Power of Scalar Energy

March 18, 2010

Behind every action the human body makes, cellular metabolic energy is fueling it. Approximately 90% of this energy is produced within the cell’s mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible primarily for producing energy, and is often referred to as the cell’s “Powerhouse.”.

Within every cell there are mitochondria, which are small and oval in shape, located outside of the cell’s nucleus, within the cytoplasm. The mitochondria are then surrounded by two specialized members, responsible for the aid in energy production.

The metabolic ATP Krebs energy cycle that occurs within the mitochondria is responsible for the supply of power which is used for all bodily functions. Relied upon for the optimal functioning of all organs and functioning is the energy produced by mitochondria.

Whenever the mitochondria become dysfunctional or are not running at maximum capability, cells begin to lose the ability to produce energy. In turn, whenever cells are deprived of the ability to produce energy, the entire body is then susceptible to disease and injury, and overall health is compromised.

As one ages, there is an apparent correlation between age and the decreased ability to produce energy within the cells. Symptoms of this decrease in energy are experienced primarily through fatigue, lower levels of libido/sexual dysfunction, and being more vulnerable to the oncoming of age related disease.

Looking mainly at the actual cell and decreased energy, when there is a shortage of energy, cells are not able to carry out required tasks as well as they should. In some cases, these cells not having enough energy supply are incapable of carrying out the “apoptosis” process.

Apoptosis is the term used for the process of removing abnormal cells in an organized and structured fashion. When the cell is unable to move forward with apoptosis, two things can happen. One, the cell may continue to malfunction and reproduce, or two, it may die. When the second possibility occurs, death, the cell can swell and rupture.

This swelling and rupturing can lead to degeneration (lose of functional activity), inflammation, and disease. Therefore, chronic disease in cellular energy forces the body into a more vulnerable state, more easily open for attack from disease. This highlights the fact that a lack of metabolic energy, many age-related diseases may be triggered.

By acknowledging and understanding that a simple lack of energy may cause many age related disease, one is able to be proactive and prevent such complications.

A simple facilitation of energy flow to cells allows the body to function optimally. Scalar energy is able to nurture an energy imbalanced cell back into a state of normal and healthy existence. Furthermore, scalar energy plays a very crucial role in maintaining healthy cells with optimum energy levels.

Consequently, when cells are running at maximum capability, this helps to retard and prevent degeneration and in turn hinder the aging process. 

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How to Naturally Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body with Scalar Energy

March 16, 2010

I’m sure you would agree the ability of scalar energy to improve circulation by unclumping blood cells brings great benefits for the body. But just as circulation is important, in order for the human body to operate at it’s maximum capability, cellular function also needs to be at its best. One of the most important components for optimal performance of bodily cells is detoxification and proper cellular nutrition. This article will look at these.

The detoxification of cells primarily consists of two functions: the intake of nutrients into the cells, and the removal of waste products and toxins from the cells.

We know the unclumping of cells brings greater circulation, this in turn allows the bodily fluids to travel more efficiently and quickly throughout the body. What this means is that the delivery of vital nutrients to the cells is more efficient and occurs much faster.

Also, the removal of waste products and toxins from these cells is improved. This in turn creates a more efficient system and allows for greater and quicker detoxification of cells in the human body, which helps to increase overall health and wellness.

In addition to enhanced circulation and detoxification, the bio-field of emanating energy from a scalar energized product increases the permeability of cell walls or the ability for things to move through the cellular walls. This enhanced permeability of the cell walls supports the intake of vital nutrients into the cells, and helps facilitate the elimination of toxins from the cells.

These two functions create a rare synergistic effect that neither one could achieve alone, creating an even greater system for detoxifying cells.

And finally, as a consequence of these improved functions, cells are more efficiently and quickly detoxified. When cells are detoxified more rapidly and with greater effectiveness, the body operates at an optimal level of cellular performance and function, which results in an improvement in overall health and wellness.

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The Little Known Unique Properties of Scalar Energy

March 16, 2010

Despite being somewhat “out there,” the creation of scalar energy is quite simple to understand. Dr. Valerie Hunt. PhD, Professor Emeritus
at UCLA, one of the leading researchers at the in the human bio-energy field, says it’s created when two opposing forces of common electromagnetic waves collide. As soon as the two opposing forces collide, they immediately cancel one another out, creating a stationary or static form of energy we know as scalar energy.

Two of the most important properties of scalar energy is that one, it is not Hertzian, meaning it cannot be measured as regular electromagnetic waves can, and two, it is non-linear like regular electromagnetic waves. This energy is in a class of it’s own with many distinguishing properties.

One of the more fascinating properties of scalar energy is that unlike most forces that occur in the world such as waves, rolling objects, or any directional force, scalar energy does not decay or diminish over time. Also, the motion of scalar energy differs from that of regular electromagnetic waves. Regular waves tend to be sent out in beams, or running through cables. Scalar energy radiates outwards from the point of collision with another wave, which resembles circles.

Another extremely rare and unique quality of scalar energy is that the space the energy equals is not a vacuum, meaning, the energy is unbounded to anything and can freely move through any solid object.

The space that scalar energy fills tends to be networks of harmoniously balanced energies. Yet another rare quality of scalar energy is that it is freely created throughout the universe, or can be manually created via the collision of electromagnetic waves.

As previously mentioned, a distinguishable property of scalar energy is that, unlike regular electromagnetic waves, scalar energy cannot be measured in Hertz. The only way to be able to view the effect that scalar energy has or to measure its concentration, is through techniques such as Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), or Kirlian photography.

Within the next few years, more and more information on the unique properties will be available, discovering even more useful ways for us to harness and benefit from the powers of scalar energy.

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The History of Scalar Energy on One Page

March 16, 2010

If you’ve ever been to a health and wellness expo, chances are you may have heard something about scalar energy. It’s becoming popular among the alternative health community, but has actually been around for quite some time.

Scalar energy was originally discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the mid 1850’s. Maxwell was a theoretical physicist and mathematician who was born in Scotland in 1831 and his discovery was a new form of energy now known as Scalar Energy.

Once Maxwell had discovered the existence of this energy, Nikola Tesla — a Yugoslavian mathematical and mechanical engineer — then worked to prove and demonstrate its existence in 1856. Tesla referred to Scalar energy as standing energy or universal waves and he was able to collect it without the use of any cables and wires.

Albert Einstein also noted and made reference to Scalar Energy during his work in the 1920’s, but the question asks, how is it different?

Our everyday electro-magnetic waves have wave action and frequencies, which are easily measurable in the unit of Hertz.

Scalar energy on the other hand is a static, stationary energy that has no frequencies and cannot be measured in Hertz like electro-magnetic waves. It is a very special and unique type of energy and only now are we beginning to understand its importance and possibilities.

Although only discovered within the last 150 years, scalar energy has existed since the beginning of time.

Scalar energy is found within in the vacuum of empty space, ranging anywhere from the empty atmosphere in the earth, to the small spaces between your bodily cells. In nature, it can be found in desolate hills, rainforests and is generated by crashing ocean waves.

Perhaps the most promising benefit of scalar energy is its healing properties. It has been known to reduce and can possibly eliminate many forms of disease, but since its discovery more 150 years ago, knowledge on scalar energy has been held in secrecy by a select few who were able to understand its complexity.

Thankfully, we now have a better understanding and knowledge and scalar energy is rising to the surface. The general population can easily learn about the properties of scalar energy to harness and use the miraculous benefits to improve their own health and wellness.

For more information about Scalar Energy and Scalar Energized Products please visit to claim your free report.